April 15 - April 28

Tuesday April 16

Strength• Wall B/L goblet squat: 3x8-10 NO WEIGHT

Alternating dumbbell bench press: 3x8 each 2010. 25 lbs

Incline forearm plank: 3x 30-60 sec, every day, lower the height of the surface- goalis to be doing this from the ground in 2-4 weeks

Bench height. Lots of muscle shaking

2-legged HS box bridge: 3x6-8 ea

3-point DB Row: 3x8 ea. 30 lbs.

Alternating straight leg heel taps: 3x 5-8 ea

Thursday April 18, 2024

reflections: alt DB press - 6 RPE. Increase weight next session 3 pt row - 6 RPE. Increase weight next session. Find tripod foot. 2 legged hamstring box bridge - raise hips higher. Alt straight leg heel taps - exhale, push low back into ground, push hands into wall. Extend knees as much as possible on heel tap. Wall squats - with med ball as clothing was adding friction to squat movement. Get lower and stand taller. Continue focusing on even weight between feet

Saturday, April 20

Strength• Wall B/L goblet squat: 3x10 NO WEIGHT•